:: affiliations
Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Institute of Philosophy of KU Leuven
KU Leuven Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Leuven.AI)
:: employment
November 2022 - ...: research professor (BOFZAP), in the rank of associate professor (tenured), KU Leuven
October 2019 - October 2022: research professor (BOFZAP), in the rank of assistant professor (tenure track), KU Leuven
October 2014 - September 2020: postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
October 2010 - September 2014: PhD fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
September 2009 - September 2010: part-time researcher at the Formal Epistemology Project, KU Leuven
:: research projects
2022 'STARTDIALOG: Towards a Systematic Theory of Aristotelian Diagrams in Logical Geometry', principal investigator, ERC Starting Grant (101040049), funded by the European Research Council (ERC); 5 years
2022 'STUDIUM.AI – Datafying the ‘webs of knowledge’ around the Old University of Leuven', co-promotor, FWO medium-sized research infrastructure (I004022N), funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO); 4 years
2022 'From Valla's Dialectica to Stevin's Bewysconst: Humanist Philosophy of Language and the Emergence of Dutch Vernacular Logic', promotor, FWO junior research project (G063622N – 3H220024), funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO); 4 years
2019 'BITSHARE: Bitstring Semantics for Human and Artificial Reasoning', co-promotor, Interdisciplinary Research Network (ID-N) (3H190254) funded by KU Leuven; 4 years
2019 'The Limits of Factive Knowability', co-promotor, FWO research project (G088219N – 3H180682), funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO); 4 years
2018 'Empirical Foundations for Logical Geometry: A Database of Aristotelian Diagrams', promotor, C1 research project (C12/18/001 – 3H180236), funded by KU Leuven; 2 years
2016 'A Metaphilosophical Analysis of Ideological Diversity in Philosophy of Science', co-promotor, C1 research project (C12/16/002 – 3H160214), funded by KU Leuven; 2 years
:: scientific awards
2020 KVAB Frans Van Cauwelaertprijs: prize for early-career (under 40 years old) researchers, awarded once every four years in the humanities, by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB)
2020 KVAB Jaarprijs Wetenschapscommunicatie: Annual Prize for Science Outreach, awarded by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB) and the Young Academy (JA)
2020 Best Paper Award at Diagrams 2020, for the paper 'Free Rides in Logical Space Diagrams versus Aristotelian Diagrams' (Hans Smessaert, Atsushi Shimojima and Lorenz Demey)
2018 Research Council Award: most promising researcher at KU Leuven in the humanities
2009 Scholarship from the NUFFIC Huygens Scholarship Programme; 1 year
2008 ANTW Selexyz Essay Prize: best paper written by a Dutch/Flemish master's student
:: international research stays
July 2017 - September 2017: Institut für Philosophie II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
April 2017 - June 2017: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford
October 2010 - September 2012: Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Universiteit van Amsterdam (visiting PhD student)
:: education
2014 PhD in Logic and Analytic Philosophy (KU Leuven)
2013 Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (KU Leuven) (ABD - 45 ECTS of coursework completed)
2010 Master of Science in Logic (ILLC, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
2008 Master of Arts in Philosophy (KU Leuven)
2007 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy - minor Mathematics (KU Leuven)
:: additional education
July 2015: attendance of the SLS (Scandinavian Logic Society) Summer School in Logic in Helsinki, Finland
April 2014: attendance of the GSS1 (Generative Linguistics Spring School) in Brussels, Belgium
August 2013: attendance of the Utrecht summer school on language evolution and psycholinguistics
August 2012: attendance of the Groningen/Munich summer school 'Formal Methods in Philosophy' and affiliated conference 'Frontiers of Rationality and Decision' in Groningen, the Netherlands
September 2011: attendance of the summer school 'Relying on Others. New Perspectives in Social Epistemology' (with Sanford Goldberg) in Cologne, Germany
August 2010: attendance of the summer school 'New Perspectives in Epistemology' (with Ernest Sosa) in Cologne, Germany
July 2009: attendance of the ESSLLI 2009 summer school in Bordeaux, France
August 2008: attendance of the ESSLLI 2008 summer school in Hamburg, Germany
August 2007: attendance of the EGG 2007 summer school in Brno, Czech Republic
July 2004: attendance of the SUISS 2004 summer school in Edinburgh, United Kingdom
:: service
2020 - 2025: president of Wijsgerig Gezelschap te Leuven (alumni association of the Institute of Philosophy)
2022 - 2023: member of the Programme Committee (Permanente Onderwijscommissie, POC) Wijsbegeerte (Dutch program), Institute of Philosophy
2022 - 2024: member of the Examination Committee Philosophy (international program), Institute of Philosophy
2021 - 2024: member of the Doctoral Committee, Institute of Philosophy
member of the Graduate Symposium committee of Diagrams 2024 (Münster, 27 September – 1 October 2024)
program committee member of the Philosophy track of Diagrams 2024 (Münster, 27 September – 1 October 2024)
program committee member of the Philosophy track of Diagrams 2022 (Rome, 14 – 16 September 2022)
co-chair of the organizing committee of the 7th World Congress on the Square of Opposition (SQUARE 2022) (Leuven, 9 – 13 September 2022)
program committee member of the Philosophy track of Diagrams 2021 (online, 28 – 30 September 2021)
organizing committee member of Computability in Europe (CiE) 2021 (Ghent/online, 5 – 9 July, 2021)
program committee member of the Philosophy track of Diagrams 2020 (Tallinn, 24 – 28 August 2020)
organizing committee member of the 4th Logic Now and Then (LNAT) conference (Brussels, 20 – 21 September, 2018)
program committee member of the Philosophy track of Diagrams 2018 (Edinburgh, 18 – 22 June 2018)
organizing committee member of the 28th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics (Brussels, 2 – 4 November 2017)
chair of the organizing committee of PhDs in Logic III conference (Brussels, 17 – 18 February 2011)
co-organizer of a reading group on epistemic logic at the ILLC (2009 - 2010)
co-organizer of the biweekly colloquium Logic Tea at the ILLC (2008 - 2010)
referee for ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (2018)
referee for Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (2015)
referee for Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (2020)
referee for Artificial Intelligence (2 times; first in 2019)
referee for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (2015)
referee for Axioms (2017)
referee for Dialectica (2017)
referee for Entropy (2018)
referee for Episteme (2016)
referee for Erkenntnis (2020)
referee for Ethical Perspectives (2017)
referee for European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2017)
referee for Foundations of Science (2020)
referee for Games (2 times; first in 2014)
referee for History and Philosophy of Logic (3 times; first in 2018)
referee for History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis (2022)
referee for Journal of Applied Logic (3 times; first in 2013)
referee for Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics (2 times; first in 2015)
referee for Journal of Logic and Computation (3 times; first in 2015)
referee for Journal of Logic, Language and Information (3 times; first in 2015)
referee for Journal of Philosophical Logic (3 times; first in 2011)
referee for Journal of Pragmatics (2016)
referee for Lato Sensu (2019)
referee for Logica Universalis (2019)
referee for Logic Journal of the IGPL (3 times; first in 2014)
referee for Logique et Analyse (13 times; first in 2011)
referee for Mathematics (2024)
referee for Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (2023)
referee for Philosophia (2022)
referee for Philosophical Investigations (2023)
referee for Philosophical Quarterly (2022)
referee for Philosophies (2019)
referee for Review of Symbolic Logic (4 times; first in 2013)
referee for Studia Logica (2023)
referee for Symmetry (2019)
referee for Synthese (15 times; first in 2013)
referee for Theoretical Computer Science (2023)
referee for Theoria (Swedish) (2023)
referee for Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science (2011)
referee for Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (4 times; first in 2014)
referee for two contributions to a book published by College Publications (2021)
referee for a contribution to a book published by Pittsburgh University Press (2019)
referee for a contribution to a book published by Leuven University Press (2014)
referee for a contribution to a book published by Springer (6 times; first in 2012)
referee for a book proposal with Routledge (2022)
referee for a project proposal for the Research Council of Finland (AKA) (2024)
referee for a project proposal for the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo in Chile (ANID) (2024)
referee for a project proposal for University of Ljubljana (2024)
referee for a project proposal (StG) for the European Research Council (ERC) (2023)
referee for a project proposal for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (2022)
referee for a project proposal for the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) (2 times; first in 2013)
member of the FWO Review College Fundamental Research (Research Foundation - Flanders) (2025 - 2027)